Dr Eloy Espin Basany

Professor of Surgery, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Dr Eloy Espin Basany is Professor of Surgery at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. In 2001 he obtained the European Board of Coloproctology (European Board of Coloproctology-UEMS) and since 2008 he is an International Fellow of the ASCRS (American Society of Colon and Rectum Surgeons). He is an examiner of the European Board of Coloproctology. 

In terms of academic activity, Eloy commenced in 1999 as an associate professor in the department of surgery of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2010 he obtained the nomination of Professor Titular de ciurgia d’aquesta universitat.

He has written 17 chapters of books, 41 articles in Spanish magazines and 63 in indexed international magazines. In addition, he has presented more than 250 communications in national congresses and 100 in international ones. Eloy has made more than 150 papers by invitation in national and international courses and congresses, and participated in nine financed research projects by official Spanish or international organisations.

Eloy is a member of various national and international scientific societies, and founding member of the S-ECCO (Surgery-European Crohn and Colitis Organization). He is currently a member of the board of the Associació Espanyola de Coloproctologia and secretary of the ESCP (European Society of Coloproctology).